Thursday, October 28, 2010

The last butterfly emerged today

I brought the butterfly to my 3rd-grader's classroom today to share with the students. They loved it!  We will release the butterfly at school tomorrow.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Photographed October 24, 2010.  Emerged from its chrysalis on October 23, this butterfly was released the next day.

Friday, October 15, 2010

The cycle continues...

Photographed October 15, 2010.  Monarch butterflies will soon emerge from the last two chrysalises!

Feeding, then releasing the butterflies

After the butterflies emerged from their chrysalises, they perched to expand their wings. They didn't eat on the day they emerged; most Monarch butterflies don't eat for the first 24 hours after emerging.  On the second day I transfered the butterflies and their perches, stems of milkweed in water, to a "Ladybug Lantern", a portable insect house.  On the floor of the house I placed two tiny shallow dishes: one filled with nectar, the other filled with water. On October 6 I released the butterflies.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

Chrysalis just before butterfly emerges

On October 4, two Monarchs 
emerged from their chrysalises. 
I took this photo just before
the second butterfly emerged
from its chrysalis.

Caterpillar in J-shape just before chrysalis phase

Another caterpillar gets ready to enter chrysalis phase